
How to have a thin stomach (for girls)

 My stats:

  • 5'2
  • 1??kg
I've been struggling to lose some weight for some time. So I starved myself, and I... became happier with my appearance. My family was saying that my weight was just "melting off" over the weeks which gave me more motivation to do it more. I started to only eat pop tarts, literally until my teeth literally couldn't stand how gritty the icing tasted and how hard it was. My face became more slimmer.

I saw a dietitian and she told me that, starving myself is obviously not the way to go.

So from my research, here is my fool-proof way of getting a thin stomach naturally, along with DO's and DON'T's. Hope this helps! I want all of my readers to be happy with theirselves ^-^

My motivation/objective for writing this
  • I want to be a dancer so I want to heighten my stamina. I can literally dance for hours but it depends on the type of music, and I don't like feeling exhausted often.
Your diet
You know your body the best, so if you remember your foods that help you feel the best and really help your body feel good in the best way possible, not just temporary feel-good chemicals. 

Think of organic foods that help your body feel like it's in it's best state and try to give yourself a routine of eating it, like a diet. Try to track your progress at every evening. Food is fuel for your soul.

If you want your skin to glow, glow, glow, drink lots of water, okie?!

Try to search online for exercises that focus on where you want to improve on the best, and trust the instructor. Please do not overextert yourself, though. If you can, try to include it in your schedule. Exercise, freaking, works. 

My gym teacher in HS told me that I can alter the exercise, as long as you are doing the main motions. You can still burn the same amount of calories.

Personal conclusion
I might start a thinspo collection on Pinterest. I really liked my original body before I had to deal with a uncomfortable amount of stress that I had no business experiencing. I feel like jealousy is a natural emotion as long as it doesn't let us possess us. I'm somewhat of a NEET, so I don't really get outside a lot, but I would like to work on myself more. Especially because I always loved physical activities like badminton and jump ropes. 

Thanks for reading this. I hope you are happy with your body. Please take care of yourself, and you'll be amazed at how much you'll thrive.

- Cassandra

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