
I Desperately Want to be a Dallas Cheerleader

 Hi there. 

It's me, Cassandra.

I have been watching this show for around a year now and I was really excited to see it be posted on Netflix yesterday. I'm taking my time to watch everything.

I really do believe I have what it takes to be a cheerleader like the individuals I see in the episodes. I can't help but feel envious but I know all of those women got there by hard work, and I want to work hard too. Growing up, I barely had any chances to express myself and my spirit, so if I became a Dallas cheerleader, maybe I could finally heal from that dreadful experience. 

I'm really passionate when it comes to dancing and singing, although I know that there isn't much singing involved in the cheerleading I see on the show, for now. I'm in love with the show's production and everything. I don't have to worry about dramatized moments. It's admittedly a bit of a highlight reel but I seriously value seeing everyone's different perspectives, and I feel like the girls are getting good guidance from everyone.

I might train to be a professional dancer & singer in the future. I could be a cheerleader when I enter my 20's. I hope I can push through and show everyone what I can really do.

This cheerleader thing, is like a jaguar full of passion in my life. I love seeing the individual dancers perform. I really love the outfits and I would love to wear shorts like that, and I feel determined to get even more into shape and eat the right foods for me so I can have the best amount of confidence possible to be a cheerleader.

I really hope that one day, I can be a Dallas cheerleader,  or a cheerleader in any sense.

Thank you.

- Melody

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