
i hate caribbean society

 do you think children are safe and protected in these communities? think again.

we're always rejected and criticized and scruntizied by our peers by how we look, especially girls and women. i hate the term "mini me" because the parents live through the children by projecting on them until they internalize it and they can't help but be a unstable mess that the parent will somehow "Fix" by abusing them until god knows what. and we are forced to accept it because "that's society". no, thats a group of insecure bumbling idiots.

i can't stand the food. half burnt chicken is a legitmate meal? no. the more burnt food you eat, the more you are at risk at developing cancer.

there's so much self hatred that runs rampant in these communities. you could say that's everywhere but you really need to love yourself. 

i hate this society.  i hate the bullies, especially the ones that are too old to bully literal fucking children. i hate the media. the only good thing about it is the architecture. 

in trinidad, i had to watch sexual music videos that were animated in my childhood if i wanted to engage in the culture that wasn't from america. i don't want to get shit for liking american things. who the fuck is approving of these things? these children are internalizing these things and i dont think its okay. im tired of disgusting and sad individuals projecting on the youth.

i dont like to be a part of my "mother's" culture at all. that's why i identify more with my father's side.

if you're offended about it, go cope and cry about it. 

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