
Why I'm learning Mandarin

:: Hello everyone.

So I was asked by someone about why I'm learning Traditional Chinese. I had always had a fondness for the culture, but I could never imagine myself being a part of it until recently. I missed out on a lot of interesting events in my childhood, so I'm trying to take advantage of my independence as an adult by hopefully travelling and being a part of cool events.

I always liked how a simple pair of characters can carry a heavy and sentimental definition. I feel at peace when I eat chinese food, because I've been eating it since my childhood. I wish i can explore and eat other meals, because I've always been eating the same few dishes throughout my life. I was always fascinated by how simplistic the meals were, yet how amazing they tasted.

So yeah. 

I also noticed that in my Japanese learning journey, the Kanji has an association with Chinese, so I feel like if I reach a adequate level of fluency, my Japanese fluency will be immensely better and I won't have a hard time engaging with the language. I wanted to be a Japanese translator in high school, so I wouldn't mind still following along that dream.

Thank you.

- Cassandra Z.

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