
American Girl hyperfixation dump

 i've always been somewhat of a lurker, someone on the sidelines when it came to this franchise, american girl. basically, american girl is a doll franchise with tons, literally hoards of accessories for the doll and playsets which i think is beautiful for young girls or feminine identifying people who want to explore this side of their identity.

a lot of people hate the fact that mattel brought the franchise from precious company, but i think that was the perfect transition from the franchise to move from a classic, vintage look to a more modern, can-fit-in-any-time-period aesthetic. i prefer the mattel one look rather than the vintage ones.

i don't really like many american girls that look like me because i tend to resonate with the girls' dreams than their superficial appearance, although a lot of the times the appearance is as natural as can be, which is again great for young girls.

i may buy a doll pretty soon, but i won't spoil what. i guess this is my next fixation in my life after trying to become a girls scout in elementary school but failing. i really was fond of one american girl book i got in my childhood that i was honestly more happier to own than to read because i felt better than my classmates, who had webkinz, moshi monster merchandise, and other stuff. but it often felt like i was getting too personal to them and their stories and interests when i brought it to school to talk about, as if i wanted to be another one of them but that was not the case. we were all children back then so i guess it goes to show how underdeveloped we were as children, and perhaps, still is. i actually heard of this brand in the elementary school i went to, not online for once. my mother never wanted to buy me a doll of my own in my childhood, so i guess i'll buy one for myself soon.

i believe the quality of these dolls are amazing. i only had generic plastic dolls growing up or the basic barbie but i was grateful with those too, to a extent. i think the size of the dolls are ideal for all ages, and you can appreciate all the details and effort they put into them.

it's nice to see something so beautiful and handcrafted exist, so i will support this brand in the future.

i can't wait to write all about in detail about the props i got and more. i think it would be smart to mix and match props for your doll :-]

thanks for reading

- cassie

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