
:: entry ten

 I'm changing health professionals, so I gave her a thank you card. I hope it made her happy. She got a bit angry at me today but I forgave her, as she apologized too. She complimented my creative passion and style and more, so I am truly grateful for that experience and meeting her, thank you. 💚

I'll be working on my animation today. I hope to make lots of progress because it's a lot. The song is very complicated, and all. I hope that I won't be disappointed of what I make!

I finally feel free. I can concentrate much more now, thanks for me being on the right medication.

I got kaomoji socks, yep, I couldn't believe they existed either! ^^

I don't know why I can't be productive in my animation work. I have lots of free time and I have determination within me. I want to create already, but I want to make sure I can be satisfied as well.

There was someone with a similar name to Ken delivering my Panda Express (as in username) but unfortunately my brother ruined the encounter by just rudely going downstairs first while eavesdropping on my conversation with my mother to get the food so that was kind of harsh :/ 

I can't let go of Ken.. I'm happy he told me his real name. :>

That's it for today, thanks for reading my blog.

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