
Island journal :: entry eight

 i completed my stone paths today. i can't wait to complete my island. i also was able to add some small assets that are interesting and typical eye-candy as well. all that hard work for around a few hours just to drop one star. i guess it's because i'm missing a villager, but i'm more preoccupied on designing the island. shouldn't the game give more props and kudos to people who are more worried about the appearance of the island to appease isabelle, tourists and more?

nonetheless, i'm excited for the island tour video. i was promised a capture card but it's taking a long time because the person who's supposed to give it to me to borrow misplaced it. Isn't That Obnoxious.

 anyway, a kind hearted person was able to give me a few items that i needed from my wishlist today, although he rated my island 2.4 out of 5 stars, which is honestly okay because i need to apply myself more, and i was happy being close to 3 stars within the game.

that's all i have to say for now. thanks for reading.

- snowy zuo

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